When Chris Rock brought out the big guns to help his daughters sell their Girl Scout cookies Sunday, hawking them to captive celebrities during the 88th Oscar ceremony, he did so in hopes of one-upping a fierce competitor — and now that competitor has spoken.
“That was a personal throwdown,” said Linda Spradley Dunn, a troop mom and family friend of Rock’s, in an interview with Access Hollywood. Fortunately she took it in stride, adding, “We have a fun rivalry. Selling cookies is fun.”
Dunn is a family friend of Rock’s, and as he explained to the Oscars audience, she usually gets the best of him when it comes to peddling baked goods: “Last night Zara, my youngest, called me up and said, ‘Daddy, how come we never sell the most cookies? How come Mrs. Dunn wins every year?’”
Rock then urged the Hollywood movers and shakers, “I want you to reach into your millionaire pockets and buy some of my daughters’ Girl Scout cookies.”
The ploy worked, netting more than $65,000, according to Rock’s calculations.
Dunn remained sporting about the whole thing. “You can’t buy that type of publicity for the Girl Scouts,” she said. “That was a wonderful thing that he did.”